What is Fama audit?

The International Labor Standards Program is an important component of The Walt Disney Company’s CSR and Responsible Supply Chain efforts.

The Walt Disney Company’s International Labor Standards Program should be done for foster safe, inclusive, and respectful workplaces if Disney-branded products are produced.

The Disney Fama Certificate is expressed as a certification or certification activity run by disney. FAMA is a type of audit created by Walt Disney, a world-renowned company, that has prepared the International Labor Conditions Program (ILS) to ensure that each facility where its own brand products are produced can become a safe and corporate workplace and accordingly holds its suppliers responsible for complying with the ILS Program requirements. This audit sets out the working standards of the company, the world´s largest in the entertainment and media industry. The whole process from the production stage to the sale of each Disney branded product is included in this audit.

Walt Disney has prepared a program that includes the basic rules that must be followed by businesses, workshops and factories that produce products under its own brand. The purpose of the FAMA standard is to audit suppliers and determine whether they comply with certain standards. Another purpose of FAMA audits is that every organization with which it does business around the world meet certain standards and fulfill the necessary conditions.


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