Our Services

Dinesh Consultancy Services Offers Human Resource Based Professional Expert Advisory In Following Areas

Social Audit

Buyer Audit

Technical Audit

Factories Act Legal Works

ESI-PF Maintenance

Regular Follow-ups (HRD)

Why Choose Us?

We are a quality & established in providing best services in HR Industry. Strong, positive relationships that are open and honest are a big part of what differentiates Dinesh Consultancy Services.

Dedicated Team

We Help To Solve Your Business Problems

High Touch Communication

A Proven Track Record

Respect of the Client Needs, Culture, Identity and Objectives

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our Stats

Completed Projects


Valuable Clients






Certifications In-Process



Frequently asked questions / Questions and Answers are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked.

  • What is Social / Ethical Audit?

    Ethical Auditing - Neutral, third-party verifiable process to understand, measure, report on, and help improve an organization's social and environmental performance.

  • What is Technical / QMS Audit?

    Quality audit is the process of systematic examination of a quality system carried out by an
    internal or external quality auditor or an audit team. This can help determine if the organization complies with the defined quality system processes and can involve procedural or results-based assessment criteria.

  • What is Buyer Audit?

    Every buyer always wants to deal with the right manufacturer for establishing a successful
    order. Therefore, the buyer needs to check some important parameter before placing an order
    to the manufacturer which is known as buyer audit.

  • What is code of conduct and ethics?

    A code of ethics is a guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct business
    honestly and with integrity. A code of ethics also referred to as an "ethical code," may
    encompass areas such as business ethics, a code of professional practice and an employee code of conduct.

  • What is Certification Body?

    Accredited Certification Body (CB), is an organization accredited by a recognized accrediting
    body for its competence to audit and issue certification confirming that an organization meets
    the requirements of a standard.


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